The murder rate in Indianapolis is decreasing, thanks to Indiana becoming a Constitutional Carry state. I realize this isn't a scientific study that proves that good guys carrying guns lowers the violent crime rate but many studies have been done over the years. The murder stats just prove common sense:
I visited Charlotte, NC recently to see a Carolina Panthers game. As we were walking to the stadium, I saw the image above etched on the sidewalk. I love the idea of feeling safe walking around the city. However, I don't think declaring somewhere a "Violence Free Zone" will actually make it true. If so, why isn't everywhere a violence free zone?
Police in Georgia have charged Colin Gray with murder for allowing his son access to the gun he took to school and murdered 4 people. I'm sad for all of the families impacted by this shooting. I'm not going to argue whether the parent should be charged for the actions of his kid or not but Mr. Gray did break a basic rule of gun ownership: "Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons."
I'm a huge fan of teaching kids to safely handle and shoot guns but I do not think they should have unfettered access to them. Last year, we had 3 different incidents here in Powhatan County of kids bringing guns to school. None of these resulted in a school shooting but they could have. You don't have to buy an expensive safe to secure your guns, there are many inexpensive options which would make it very difficult for someone to get to your guns. If you don't have a way to store your guns to keep them from unauthorized people, please get this done ASAP. Consider it an insurance policy against an unimaginable tragedy. I've been wondering about the long-term impacts of inflation on gun ownership in America. Recently, I was talking to the owner of a local gun store in Goochland and he said there are more used guns for sale than ever before. One possible explanation for this is that people are selling their guns to help them afford the basics. Since there are so many guns available, prices are low, so its actually a bad time to sell (good time to buy though).
Also, this week Colonial Shooting Academy announced they are closing after 12 years. This is a huge loss for the Richmond area. Colonial was a fantastic facility with a large indoor shooting range and gun store. I'm guessing the massive inflation of recent years means Richmond area gun-owners just don't have the room in their paychecks to shoot as much as they used to (or as much as they want). I'm hopeful a new owner will buy the building and keep it as a range but if inflation doesn't ease, it seems like less people will be able to enjoy the shooting sports. Unbelievable news. According to the new book "Blood Money", the Chinese government is seeking to destabilize the United States by arming criminals on our streets and our government is looking the other way.
According to the excerpts I read, China is secretly shipping auto sears (or "Glock switches") and suppressors into the US by the thousands. An auto sear allows a semi automatic gun to fire fully automatic. A full auto gun will continue to fire as long as the trigger is held down. A 9mm Glock handgun in full auto mode can fire 20 rounds per second. A normal 17 round magazine can be emptied in less than a second. Just to be clear, these items are NOT legally purchased or owned. Some suppressors can be legally purchased and owned by private citizens, but fully automatic guns cannot. While some of these shipments are caught at the border, it seems like plenty of these items are making their way to gangs and other bad guys. According to the article the ATF reported 66 incidents of full auto gunfire in Saint Louis in 2021. In 2022, there were 339!!! The violence and carnage is only going to continue to grow exponentially unless our government will acknowledge what is happening and hold China accountable. Joe Biden and most other democrats around the country (including Virginia legislators) are sticking to the same playbook, though. They continue to call for more and more gun control. It doesn't matter what laws are passed, criminals don't obey the law. They will continue to get their guns, sears and suppressors via illegal means. Many people keep a gun to protect themselves and their family at home. If you're in this group, you should read about Kevin Monahan who shot and killed a woman who was a passenger in a car that mistakenly drove up his driveway.
According to the article, Mr. Monahan and his wife were awakened by the sound of vehicles in his driveway. He told his wife to hide inside and went outside with a pump action 20 gauge shotgun. First, he fires a warning shot into the air. Then, after losing his balance, shoots a shot into the car that killed Kaylin Gillis. There are many indicators to me that Mr. Monahan was not trained in self-defense because he did a lot of things wrong:
I want to encourage everyone who keeps a gun for self-protection to spend time learning about scenarios you might be put in and thinking about how you would handle them. Getting some hands-on live fire training is also important. VCDL - ACTION ITEM! Time to contact the Governor!
The first gun bills have finally landed on the Governor’s desk and we need to act NOW! While we have no reason to believe that Governor Youngkin won’t veto gun-control bills, we dare not leave that to chance, as he has not said publicly what he will do. So, it is important that we have as many gun owners as possible contacting the Governor. Any gun-control bills the Governor vetoes will have zero chance of being overridden! The prewritten email to Governor Youngkin can be edited to add your own thoughts if you wish. Here is the link to send the email to the Governor. Please share this link with family, friends, co-workers, and anyone else you know who supports the right to keep and bear arms! I'm following the horrific news of the terrorist attacks on Israel and murder of innocent citizens. It is no surprise that many in Israel are calling for expanded gun ownership by private civilians. This is very similar to what happened after Russia invaded Ukraine last year.
According to the article: "In Israel, the usual personal weapon allowed are pistols with a limit of 50 rounds of ammunition. To qualify, one must be of a certain age, depending on IDF service, live or work in an area that demands extra security, not have a criminal record, and pass a training course and background check, among other things." The requirements are so strict only 1.5% of the population has a gun. “Who has a gun? The terrorists, and all the criminals. Who doesn’t? Law-abiding tax-payers. The government trusts criminals with guns more than their own civilians,” Yoel Israel, CEO of a digital marketing agency, told The Times of Israel. French gun control proven failed during the recent riots.
Watch these videos and be outraged. Criminals parading down the streets of France with illegal guns while law abiding citizens have no way to protect themselves. There are many examples from all over the world proving that criminals will have guns, even if they are outlawed. Last year, I wrote about a school shooting in Russia. America has the 2nd Amendment to guarantee our right to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Here's a must watch video of Lt. Governor Winsome Earle-Sears responding to the shooting earlier this month outside of the Altria theatre after a High School Graduation ceremony. She said: "Even if you took all the guns off the street, from the law-abiding citizens, the others who mean harm, who mean to kill and mayhem, they're going to have the guns."
She's right of course, the way to prevent these crimes is to get tough on crime. However, enforcing existing laws and keeping criminals off of the street is not what the left wants. This article says: "The shooting prompted a floor speech by U.S. Rep. Jennifer McClellan, D-Richmond, who called for her colleagues in Washington to legislate background checks and an assault weapons ban to protect children." Assault weapon ban and background checks to protect children??? This is so stupid. The shooter used a handgun, not what the left calls an "assault weapon." He was also 19 and can't legally buy a handgun - though I only saw this referenced in one article out of the five I read about the shooting. There are already background checks on ALL gun purchases. |
AuthorJon Woodard - NRA certified instructor. Handgun Distinguished Expert. Passionate about responsible gun ownership. Archives
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