If you been paying any attention at all you know that our gun rights are under attack! It is important that we don’t take our freedom for granted. Please join the following organizations to help stop these infringements. Joining these organizations is very inexpensive – much less than the cost of a trip to the range!
National Rifle Association - The biggest and most well-known of the gun lobby groups, the NRA has over 5 million members. Your membership here includes a subscription to an excellent gun magazine, gun insurance and many other benefits. Join us! If you use the link above to join, you’ll get $10 off of your 1 year membership!

Virginia Citizen's Defense League (VCDL)- many of the biggest gun battles are fought on the local level and VCDL is in the midst of every “gun fight” in Virginia! VCDL is a non-profit, all volunteer, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to championing the human rights of all Virginians and to the premise that The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right. Also, make sure that you sign up for the VA-ALERT e-mail to stay up-to-date on all gun rights news in Virginia.
Gun Owners of America (GOA) – GOA is the “no compromise” national gun lobby. You will often see executive director Erich Pratt on the national news arguing against the Washington’s normal anti-gun rhetoric. They also have excellent newsletters that allow you to quickly take action to contact your congressmen and women on important gun rights issues.

Project Appleseed - While not a traditional "gun rights" organization, Project Appleseed weekends include instruction in rifle marksmanship and discussion of early American heritage. These events will teach you to shoot a rifle accurately and also connect you to some of the virtues of our nation's founders.